Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of Busy!

Well, this is going to be a busy week, which is good. It will make it go buy much faster. I am in charge of the props and stage manager for the Christmas program at church. Matthew, Eric and Rheayn come home on Sat. Sara actually comes home today. She gets out of school a week before Matthew. We are looking forward to a fun time with everyone. This is the first time in a year we will all be together. Eric is preaching while he is hear. We are looking forward to hearing him.
It has been SO COLD and snowy here but I think it is going to warm up to the 30's this week. Can say that is a warm up...yes when it has been below zero!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Well we got through the Thanksgiving holiday. Tim had to work and the boys and their girls were not here. I went to Jeff and Carol's and had a great time. Matthew & Sara were at school because, well, it's Canada and they don't celebrate our Thanksgiving. Eric and Rheayn made my famous rolls and spent the day with our pastors daughter, Cherry and her husband, Ryan in Kirkland, WA eating and hanging out with them. Friday was Matthew's birthday, he spent it in school too. Sara made him muffins for breakfast so he least had something. We were finally able to get ahold of him today, Sunday to wish him a belated "Happy Birthday" 3 more weeks until the gang is home. We are looking forward to it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New to this blog thing

Ok so we are getting with the whole blog thing. I guess we will see how it goes. I love reading everyones so now you get to read about us. Not that life is that interesting but we shall try.